Thursday, June 7, 2007

Finding Happiness

Last week I talked about making decisions and how hard it can be for me to make a decision for change, but that once it is done how great it can be. Well this week has been full of productive uncertainty and a major decision. I decided this past week to make a change in my job.

As many of you know I currently work full time for a school district as a part time speech/language pathologist and a part time autism teacher consultant. I then spend my evenings working at Horizons as an RDI certified program consultant. Over the past year Nicole and I have been talking about building my caseload so that I could work at Horizons part time and in the schools part time. About a week ago Nicole and I really started discussing the probability of this happening.

I love my work at Horizons and really wanted to do this, but in order for that to happen it meant leaving the only job I had known since graduating from college. I love the people I work with and the children I see at school, but I have been feeling for the past few years as if I wasn’t making as big of a difference as I could and that I was being spread thinner and thinner. At the same time I was working on my RDI certification and finding a way to actually make a big difference in the lives of children and families living with autism spectrum disorders and related developmental disabilities.

I’ve known for a long time that autism was going to be my passion. It is where my heart lies and I need to be working in this field. Therefore the decision was easy in regards to what I wanted to do, but difficult from the standpoint of leaving what I know and the kids I like working with. Knowing that I will still be there part of the time at least for now has made the decision much easier and the support of all of Nicole, Michelle and Betsy has been amazing. I couldn’t do it without all of them.

Ever since I made the decision and talked with my boss as well as filling in the staff this past week I have felt lighter. I have found happiness again. I know this is the right decision and I am so excited to be embarking on this new/old journey. The support of the staff at school has also been terrific and is making the transition easier as well. I will be continuing in my capacity as autism teacher consultant at school and working to build up my caseload more at Horizons. My biggest hope is to continue touching the lives of families dealing with autism spectrum disorders.

There have been many small signs over the year “telling” me this is the right thing to do so I just finally decided to “listen.” I truly believe that we can all find our happiness it just might be hidden under some productive uncertainty. Follow your heart and you will find your happiness at the end of that path.

Finally, I just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you to Nicole for believing in me and providing me with the support I needed to make these changes. Thank you to Michelle for her support as well and willingness to bounce ideas around. Thank you to Betsy for all her continuing support and behind the scenes work that keeps me on target. Thank for helping me to find my happiness

Talk to you soon,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Erin: Making a difference in family's lives thru RDI is truly a noble choice. More people need to make this choice so that more families can experience this profound difference and improvement in their kids with autism. Change is hard for parents too. They are ping-ponged around to different options for autism. Thanks for making the choice for RDI