Saturday, February 10, 2007

Whats HOT (Horizons Occupational Therapy) a very powerful sensory experience!
Just think about it... when you shake a person's hand for the first time, what feelings go shooting through your body when the connection is made? Is this person strong, secure, dominant, or weak, wimpy, afraid or even wet and sweaty? Lots of different types of touch influences our daily lives. Think of a scratchy wool sweater, or cashmere socks tickling your toes. What if someone from behind you comes up and tickles you, or if someone gave you a nice tight hug? For each individual it can be a totally different experience. What one person might love, another might hate. As different feelings of touch occur throughout the day, it effects our ability to focus or not focus on tasks, increase or decrease our anxiety, make us feel happy, sad, relaxed, and even angry. It is important to keep in mind that not everyone interprets touch in the same way. We need to be empathic, when it comes to feelings of others concerning the power of TOUCH.
Sarah OT

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