Thursday, December 28, 2006

No Regrets ... Only Possibilities

I was having lunch the other day with my sister and grandma. As we were enjoying our lunch we started talking about vacations and the places my sister and I were planning to go over the next year. We were talking about how expensive some vacations can be, but my grandma put it into perspective for us saying we should go and visit as many places as we can now so that we don't have regrets when we are older. You see, my grandma now has macular degeneration and can see very little and she talks about all the places she has been, but also says she regrets not getting to more places while she still had good eyesight.

After that lunch, and with the new year approaching, I got to thinking about all of the wonderful things that have happened in my life in the past 18 months. A year and a half ago I hadn't really even heard of RDI, and then thanks to Nicole all of that changed. I attended the two-day in Ann Arbor in June of 2005 and just knew that this was something I needed to pursue. In August of that same year I took my very first plane ride ever, and have now flown a total of 5 times. For someone who was very scared to get on a plane it is now such a great and convient way to travel.

Back to RDI - making those three trips to Houston, completing my supervision and having the opportunity to work with some of the greatest people in the world has made such a significant change in my life. Eighteen months ago I had no idea what was ahead - only that there were many changes coming, but also many possibilities. I am so happy that I made those changes and have discovered some amazing possibilities. So in the words of my grandma, I will forge ahead accepting/making changes and searching for all of the new possibilities that 2007 has in store for me. No regrets ... only possibilities.

I hope that you will be able to discover many possibilities this year as well!

Happy New Year!
Until next week,

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