Thursday, May 31, 2007

Making a Change

Going with this week’s theme it is that time of year when many school decisions are being made. I too have talked with many families recently about school next year. This can be such a quandary for so many families. What to do, where to go, what services do I choose, what is the best thing for my child.
My best advice for parents is to really think about what is the most important thing for their child at this point in time. Once they have figured this out the next step is to figure out what is needed to get to that goal. For some it might be utilizing the school system and the services that are offered. For others it might mean an alternate school setting or home schooling. Whatever it is that parents choose it just needs to be what is best for that family.
What an agonizing decision this can be especially since this may mean making a change. This is coming from the queen of difficulty with change. What I have found though is that once I have made the decision to make the change and forge ahead with it everything seems to turn out fine and often times the change is for the better. This is not to say that there aren’t bumps and bruises along the way, but nothing worth having comes easily.
Take some time over the next few days to really think about what you want for your child and then make the decision based on that.
Talk to you soon,

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