Monday, September 17, 2007

IEP Information

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a well-rested weekend! Today I held my first of many IEP's for the 2007-2008 school year. When preparing for IEP's, whether you have them in the spring or fall, I like to think about many of my own "mission previews" that I have for the students in my program. I also encourage all parents to do this as well. I like to ask myself what types of things the students will need to achieve in order to increase the quality of life they have here at school, in the community, and at home.

I have worked with many parents over the years during IEP time and I find that parents, overall, tend to struggle when preparing for their child's IEP. I have been providing the parents in my program with the following questions to help them think about their child and what they want to accomplish over the next year.

1. Where would you like to see your child 1 year from now? What types of skills will be important for their development and for your life as a family?
2. Where would you like to see your child 3-5 years from now?
3. Where would you like to see your child 7-10 years from now?
4. What do you struggle with when parenting your child with disabilities?
5. What outside resources/agencies/private services is your child receiving?
6. What are your child's strengths?
7. What are your child's obstacles?
8. What remediation strategies are you using at home? Can they be used at school as well?

If you can begin to think about and answer these questions prior to your child's IEP, you will be more prepared to provide your input. The more closely that schools and parents can work together, the better.

Have a great week!


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