Thursday, July 19, 2007

Slowing Down

Last night my mom, sister and I went to see the musical "Wicked." On the way home we were reminiscing about past family vacations.

When I was growing up we only took "road trip" vacations in fact my first time on an airplane was only a few years ago. Anyway I was thinking back to all of those summer vacations where it would be very warm outside, but my mom, sister and I would have to wear sweat suits and cover up with blankets in the car because my dad loved having the air conditioning on full blast. We also talked about the trip we took out west one summer where I refused to get out of the car at a few places (I was in my early teens and thought I wasn't interested in all that history stuff). We then talked about the summer we rented a motor home to go to Florida. Boy was that an adventure.

As we were talking my sister mentioned that she didn't like taking road trips anymore. She said that she gets so bored riding in the car for a long time. We talked a bit about that and I told her how sad it was that we couldn't slow down long enough to enjoy riding in the car. I think it is a product of our society at this time that we are all so busy and our lives so fast paced that we get "bored" riding in the car. It made me reflect on my own need to "slow down."

It may just be time for another "road trip" to help us all appreciate the need to slow down.

Talk to you soon,

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